Arts Education Within ESSA: Charting New Realities and Putting the Arts Into Education Policies and Practice
The federal education legislation known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has entered its second year as our nation’s education law, guiding the ways in which states and local school districts develop and enact policy for teaching and learning. In ESSA, opportunities for arts education delivery exist in sections describing school accountability and improvement, professional development and teacher evaluation, a well-rounded education, after-school programs, and non-academic requisites that support student achievement.
In response to needs identified through surveys and national research, the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE), Young Audiences Arts for Learning, and Kansas City Young Audiences, invite you to a professional development conference examining opportunities for arts education delivery at the national, state and local school district levels, all through the lens of ESSA. This two-day conference targets arts educators, including K-12, higher education, and teaching artists, as well as administrators, curriculum directors, and other arts stakeholders.