Call for Proposals!
Are you working to support an excellent arts education for all learners? Are you ready to share that work with others? We are seeking virtual session proposals for the AEP’s Virtual Gathering, taking place this September.
If you have not yet submitted a concurrent session proposal, we urge you to do it now. We anticipate asking presenters to include their session as part of our redesigned virtual programming. To give you time to think through what that might mean, we’re extending the submission date to May 29.
RFP Updates
The RFP guidelines state that proposals will be evaluated based on how well they “showcase new, emerging work and innovative practices that impact learners, educators or the learning environment,” as well as how well they show relevance to “the current arts education landscape and topics that are emerging.” Please know that our evaluation committee recognizes that the current environment is constantly changing, and it may be difficult to frame your proposals for these criteria. As an assurance, our priorities haven’t changed; we are still working for an excellent arts education for all learners, even if the context for that work is different.
Proposal Submission Deadline: 5 p.m. PDT Friday, May 29. Read the complete submission guidelines here.