City Lore
Website URL:
New York, New York
Primary Contact:
Sahar Muradi -
Areas of Expertise
- Looking at arts in community and cultural contexts, particularly through integrating folk and traditional arts in meaningful ways
- Connecting to young people’s own cultures, traditions, experiences, neighborhoods and bridging the gap between their school and home lives
- Including and honoring stories and perspectives that are often left out, particularly through interviewing of community members and guest artists
Current Top Priorities for Guidance or Collaboration
Contact us to learn more about these current priority areas or to explore collaboration opportunities.- How to integrate folk and traditional arts and arts practitioners into the classroom or other educational setting in meaningful ways
- How to design customized and collaborative art residencies with teaching artists and school communities
- How to craft experiential, skills-based learning through an art form with a practicing artist
- How to engage young people in investigating their neighborhoods, families, cultural traditions, and histories and utilize this firsthand research in their art-making
- Creating professional development programs and workshops for educators, including classroom teachers, on how to bring a cultural and decolonial lens to arts education by centering culturally-rooted arts and marginalized perspectives
- Strategies for educators on how to draw on the rich cultural traditions and resources of their city’s/community’s neighborhoods, and ethnic, linguistic, and artistic communities to support learning in the arts
Geographical Areas Served:
National, New England, Rural/Remote, Suburban/Exurban, Urban,
Primary Audience Served:
Children/Youth, Community Members, Parents, School-based Teachers, Teaching Artists,
Artistic Discipline:
Dance, Folk/traditional/indigenous arts, Literature and Storytelling, Media Arts, Multidisciplinary Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts,