Partner Organizations
National in scope and far-reaching in their community impact, AEP partners are a diverse group of organizations representing the breadth of the arts education field.
A+ Schools Program at the North Carolina Arts Council
Alliance for Young Artists and Writers
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
American Educational Research Association
American String Teachers Association
Arts and Science Council of Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Arts-Based Collaborative at UTC
Association of Art Museum Directors
Association of Arts Administration Educators
Association of Performing Arts Professionals
California Institute of the Arts
California State University Summer Arts
Carnegie Hall Weill Music Institute
Carnegie Mellon University Master of Arts Management Program
Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education
Cleveland Arts Education Consortium
District of Columbia Public Schools
Education Commission of the States
The Education Policy and Leadership Center
Educational Theatre Association
Florida Alliance for Arts Education
Graduate Program in Educational Theatre at The City College of New York, CUNY
The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM
Institute of Museum and Library Services
International Child Art Foundation
International Council of Fine Arts Deans
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Lesley University’s Creative Arts in Learning Programs
Local Learning: The National Network for Folk Arts in Education
Los Angeles County Arts Ed Collective
Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAEIA Project)
The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation
National Alliance of Public Charter Schools
National Art Education Association
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
National Assessment Governing Board
The National Association for Music Education
The National Association of Music Merchants
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of State Boards of Education
National Dance Education Organization
National Dance Institute of New Mexico
National Education Association
National Endowment for the Arts
National Guild for Community Arts Education
National Partnership for Juvenile Services
The Office of Accessibility and VSA
Partnership for 21st Century Learning
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Philadelphia Arts in Education Partnership
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Rock and Roll Forever Foundation
The Southeast Center for Arts Integration
State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts
Welcome, New AEP Partner:
Carnegie Hall Weill Music Institute
Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute connects hundreds of thousands of young people, families, aspiring artists, and educators with creative musical experiences, nurturing the finest musical talent at all levels and harnessing the power of the arts to make meaningful differences in people’s lives.
About AEP Partner Organizations
National in scope and far-reaching in their community impact, AEP partner organizations share a belief that children and youth are a national priority. This diverse group of organizations represents the breadth of the arts education field, including the arts, business, culture, education, government and philanthropic sectors. Their collective voice elevates the critical role arts learning plays in shaping a complete and competitive education for every child in America.
Partner With AEP
AEP partners conduct arts education-related programs or projects at a national level or that are focused on building leadership capacity and/or systems change in arts education.