by Nate Marcarelli | Mar 11, 2019
The Arts Education Partnership reviewed multiple research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch — a national clearinghouse of rigorous arts education research — to better understand the role visual arts play in student success. This resource explores how visual arts...
by Nate Marcarelli | Mar 4, 2019
This Policy Brief highlights state policies and practices — including access efforts, federal and state funding and statewide coordination — that can help states to advance STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) education and increase student...
by Nate Marcarelli | Sep 7, 2018
This Education Trends report explores the design and impact of CYD programs — including examples of successful programs across the country — and provides policy considerations for states looking for ways to narrow the achievement gap and support student...
by Nate Marcarelli | May 22, 2018
Building on the first release of Music Matters in 2011, the Arts Education Partnership reviewed multiple research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch — the national clearinghouse of rigorous arts education research — to explore the importance of music on student...
by Nate Marcarelli | May 4, 2018
This Education Trends report explores successful practices for arts integration, with a focus on educator and school leader professional development and provides an overview of research that highlights the impact of instructor preparation and professional development...
by Nate Marcarelli | Apr 15, 2013
AEP’s latest research bulletin, Preparing Students for the Next America: The Benefits of an Arts Education, offers a snapshot of how the arts support achievement in school, bolster skills demanded of a 21st century workforce, and enrich the lives of young people and...
by Nate Marcarelli | Apr 1, 2007
This literature review includes a historical overview, definitions and theoretical frameworks for arts integration, research and evaluation studies, methods and practices for each of the art forms.
by Nate Marcarelli | Nov 1, 2006
A research and policy brief discussing various approaches and methodologies for conducting statewide arts education based on examples in Illinois, Kentucky, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Washington.
by Nate Marcarelli | Jan 15, 2006
A response to the needs of policymakers, educators, parents and advocates for fact-based, non-technical language documenting the most current and compelling research on the value of arts learning.
by Nate Marcarelli | Dec 1, 2004
This report proposes opportunities for future research on the arts and education based on a survey of the significant body of research in the field.
by Nate Marcarelli | May 22, 2002
Summary and discussion of 62 research studies examining how arts learning affects students’ social and academic skills.
by Nate Marcarelli | Oct 13, 2000
A report from an October 2000 meeting in which 32 school districts from 19 states discussed the current status of arts education in their districts.
by Nate Marcarelli | Oct 22, 1999
This report compiles seven major studies that provide new evidence of enhanced learning and achievement when students are involved in a variety of arts experiences.